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Get To Know Me

Jul 23, 2024

Hi, I am Tabi, a renowned Skin Health Specialist. For a lot of you, you won't have followed my journey from the start, and so I thought now would be a great time to let you in on some behind the scenes details of who I am, and who you might end up spending time with if you do come down for a facial or Skin Health service with me in Middlesbrough.

First of all, my full name is actually Tabitha (hence Tabitha Isobel),and Tabi is my shortened name (pronounced Tab-ee). 



I started my own personal skin journey when I was 13 years old, and I suffered with severe acne, we are talking those large nodules and cysts that are incredibly painful. I ended up on multiple different antibiotics, prescribed creams, and eventually Accutane. My traumatic experience with acne, and specifically Accutane, led me to sought out a career in the Skin Industry. 

When I discovered the ins and outs of acne, I realised that actually acne medication is more of a hindrance than the cure they label it to be, and I decided to niche down and become a Skin Health Specialist. This allows me to help my clients both internally and externally because your skin health starts from within. I am currently incredibly close to becoming a qualified Beauty Medicine Practitioner, which is an amazing title to behold, truly showcasing my professional expertise in skin health and wellbeing. I am already a qualified nutrition advisor amongst so much more, which you can read all about on my about page here

I can proudly say I have now helped hundreds of people transform their skin into something they are proud of, helping people feel confident in their skin, improving their self esteem, and also their general health and wellbeing too. I absolutely love my job, it is incredibly rewarding, and I could not be happier. 

I am vegan and have been since I believe 2016, it was an overnight decision and one I have never turned back from happily. I love animals and I have my own tabbycat named Toby. He was born in 2015, amongst the hype of Pretty Little Liars, the tv show, and so he was of course named after Toby from the show. Other animals I adore are giraffes, sheep and all types of cats. 

I am a very creative person, I love singing, I know somewhat how to play the Violin, I love drawing, painting, and other creative crafting pursuits. I also own a Ukulele, which I have picked up probably twice since I bought it. 

My favourite colour right now is a deep green, think of a mossy green. I am becoming more and more involved with health and wellbeing (which is also why I decided to focus on Skin Health) as I have a few chronic illnesses which force me to look at my health and wellbeing, otherwise I suffer more. With IBS, and I am currently undergoing diagnosis for Endometriosis, health and wellbeing is a prominent part of my life. When I can I like to exercise, whether going on walks, yoga, or weight lifting. In the future I am hoping to try Gymnastics or Cheer Leading again.

I am obsessed with everything disney, and would love to live at Disneyland Paris if I could, it's quite literally my favourite place on earth. If I were to marry, I could not think of anything better than being married at Disney, so magical! Two of my four tattoos are disney based: I have Tinkerbell amongst flowers on my shoulder, and winnie the pooh and piglet on my ankle. I also have my cat Toby with flowers on my forearm, and moon and stars on my hip. My favourite disney movies are definitely: Encanto, Coco, and Tinkerbell. 

I have dreams of opening my own Skin Clinic in the next two years, I am eventually hoping to move to Hartlepool both me, and my business within that period of time, so that I can be closer to the ocean. The beach and ocean are where I feel most happy and safe, there is something so tranquil and relaxing about the sound of the waves, and the feeling of sand under your toes. 

Hopefully, you feel as though you know me a little bit more already.

I would love to meet you, please do come for a facial, you can book online here for my clinic in Middlesbrough: https://bookings.gettimely.com/TABITHAISOBEL/login
