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My 2025 Goals For Tabitha Isobel

Dec 11, 2024

With the new year fast approaching I have been very mindful about how to make the most out of 2025. A lot of exciting ambitions have came to light, and I wanted to share them with you, hopefully each one will come into fruition! I will be giving you updates regularly through emails, if you haven't yet signed up for emails make sure you do, so you keep in the loop.

1. Beauty Medicine Practitioner

This is one you might have seen me talk about for a while. I have been undergoing this diploma since October 2023, and I am so close to completing this fantastic diploma. I have two exams left to complete before I can graduate, so it really is any week now!

2. A New Location?

In 2025, I am hoping to move my clinic to Hartlepool, of course I will be giving updates on this, especially to regular clients first, and so you will know months in advance before this would even happen! But personally I will myself be moving house to Hartlepool at some point in 2025, and so it makes the most logical...

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Dear New Client...

Nov 20, 2024

I know how daunting it can be when you are going somewhere new for an appointment. I have anxiety and always the night before going anywhere new I am always doing research, trying to find out what to expect and who to expect. And so, dear new client, I wanted to take the anxiety away for you, as much as possible, so you know what to expect when you come for your Tabitha Isobel appointment at Skinfinity, Middlesbrough. 

Who To Expect:

At your appointments you will be greeted by myself- Tabi, the Skin Health Specialist and CEO of Tabitha Isobel. I am the only person behind this incredible business, and so the likelihood is if you have messaged Tabitha Isobel prior to your appointment, then you will have already spoken to me personally. I try to post photos of myself as much as possible on my social media, so you again know and feel comfortable coming to your appointments because you know who you are coming to see. If you aren't already following me on social media you can by...

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Does Diet Affect Your Skin?

Aug 13, 2024
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Vegan Businesses Middlesbrough

Aug 06, 2024

As a vegan business myself, I wanted to highlight other amazing businesses in our area that are vegan too. So from Middlesbrough, Durham and surrounding areas here are five recommendations of vegan owned businesses for you to explore.



Quite a big name in Middlesbrough now, after the recent launch of the new season of Come Dine With Me with V-EDGE taking the cake! V-EDGE is the best place to be for vegan food with an edge. If you are looking for delicious food with an alternative style restaurant V-EDGE is your place. But seriously, have you checked out their toilets? Everyone is talking about their toilets! The coolest place, truly! You can check V-EDGE out here: https://www.v-edge.co.uk/ 


2. Alkaline Kitchen 

On the other end of the scale for delicious vegan cuisine we have Alkaline Kitchen, healthy vegan whole food based restaurant in the heart of Middlesbrough using the freshest finest ingredients for colourful tasty food. You can check...

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Wellness Activities Middlesbrough & Surrounding Areas

Jul 30, 2024


Taking care of your wellness, your self care and your mental health can be somewhat of a difficult task to accomplish, but when you do, you will always feel better for it. Health and wellness is a massive part of my life, and although I try to regularly stay consistent with it, I find it hard some days to know what to do, where to go and how to help myself. I hope these five recommendations for you to improve your wellness in Middlesbrough and surrounding areas are useful for you. 


1. Stroll Through Stewarts Park

Having lived in Middlesbrough all my life it can be easy to take for granted what we have on offer on our doorstep. Stewarts Park in no exception to this. Whether you have an hour to spare in your busy day, you are after some fresh air, or you are going just to see the animals, Stewarts Park is a must do. Greenery, animals, relaxation and beautiful scenery, if you haven't yet been to Stewarts Park or you haven't been in a long while, I urge you to...

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Get To Know Me

Jul 23, 2024

Hi, I am Tabi, a renowned Skin Health Specialist. For a lot of you, you won't have followed my journey from the start, and so I thought now would be a great time to let you in on some behind the scenes details of who I am, and who you might end up spending time with if you do come down for a facial or Skin Health service with me in Middlesbrough.

First of all, my full name is actually Tabitha (hence Tabitha Isobel),and Tabi is my shortened name (pronounced Tab-ee). 



I started my own personal skin journey when I was 13 years old, and I suffered with severe acne, we are talking those large nodules and cysts that are incredibly painful. I ended up on multiple different antibiotics, prescribed creams, and eventually Accutane. My traumatic experience with acne, and specifically Accutane, led me to sought out a career in the Skin Industry. 

When I discovered the ins and outs of acne, I realised that actually acne medication is more of a hindrance than the cure...

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Transformative Skincare Routine For Clearing Acne

Jul 16, 2024

Hi, I am Tabi, a renowned Skin Health Specialist, and today, I am going to be sharing with you my updated acne prone skincare routine. This routine is full of medical grade skincare products that have been clinically proven to improve your skin concerns, targeting them with high percentages of actives!

I have discovered a lot of new amazing brands recently and they have made their way into my daily skin routine, which is why I wanted to share these newfound products with you, so you can fall in love with them too!

This routine is focused on: killing off bacteria causing the acne, managing oil production, reducing the appearance of pores, reducing inflammation, and these are all things you want to focus on when using an acne prone skincare regime. 





This cleanser has been a favourite of mine for over a year now. I love that it is an exfoliating cleanser but it is gentle enough to use in your routine everyday, and you can...

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How Often Should I Get A Facial?

Jul 16, 2024

As a Skin Health Specialist I get this question asked a lot from new clients starting their skin journey

Having a facial every 4 to 6 weeks will give you optimal skin results, providing a glowing, radiant healthy complexion. Your Skin cell renewal process is approximately every 28 days which means that every 28 days your skin is changing so much, therefore what you might need one month can completely change the next month. We can speed this process up when we use exfoliating ingredients and amazing treatments such as facial services, which helps reduce skin concerns. In this case you are seeing new skin regeneration even sooner.

This is why coming for regular consistent facials gives you the absolute best chance of having healthy skin long-term.When you come for a professional facial with myself, you know that you’re getting a full service, where we can boost the moisture content of your skin, we can exfoliate the dead skin cells, and we can give your skin exactly what it...

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A Fresh Start

Jul 11, 2024

When I first launched Cosmic Beauty, I had much different intended plans for my business. Cosmic Beauty was initially a beauty/nail brand, and today, we have came so much further then that. My dreams have blossomed and grown, and that is a part of why I am telling you today about the new and exciting path I am embarking on.

Cosmic Beauty will be no more, and as sad as I feel to have to let go of the leash that has bound me to my business brand, I am so excited for the future and what I can offer my clients.

Out with the old, and in with the new, let me introduce you to...


My beautiful business is currently undergoing a rebranding from the name, to the colours, to the social handles, the logo's, and even my physical clinic, everything is amidst change. So let's talk about what is changing.

The Name:

When I was researching and planning what the name change would be for Cosmic Beauty, I decided upon 'Tabitha Isobel', which is my first and middle name. I decided...

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The Skin Health Subscription

May 27, 2024

You can transform your skin with this membership!

Hi, I'm Tabi a qualified Skin Specialist, the C.E.O of Cosmic Beauty, the in person facial skin clinic in Middlesbrough, and the C.E.O of The Skin Health Subscription, the membership which transforms your skin from home.

From working in the skin industry for more than two years I realised that there was a massive gap in what we could do with our clients in clinic. Whilst facials can be absolutely life changing, and can help transform your skin and your confidence, the effects of these facials are only maintained if you are doing the right things at home too. 

I noticed this massive flaw particularly with my acne clients who really NEEDED that extra support around what they are doing at home too. There is so much more when it comes to your skin that affects it internally as well as externally, and with facials we really do only touch on the external.

From qualifying in many certificates such as Beauty Nutrition and Superfood...

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