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Dear New Client...

Nov 20, 2024

I know how daunting it can be when you are going somewhere new for an appointment. I have anxiety and always the night before going anywhere new I am always doing research, trying to find out what to expect and who to expect. And so, dear new client, I wanted to take the anxiety away for you, as much as possible, so you know what to expect when you come for your Tabitha Isobel appointment at Skinfinity, Middlesbrough. 

Who To Expect:

At your appointments you will be greeted by myself- Tabi, the Skin Health Specialist and CEO of Tabitha Isobel. I am the only person behind this incredible business, and so the likelihood is if you have messaged Tabitha Isobel prior to your appointment, then you will have already spoken to me personally. I try to post photos of myself as much as possible on my social media, so you again know and feel comfortable coming to your appointments because you know who you are coming to see. If you aren't already following me on social media you can by...

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The Skin Health Subscription

May 27, 2024

You can transform your skin with this membership!

Hi, I'm Tabi a qualified Skin Specialist, the C.E.O of Cosmic Beauty, the in person facial skin clinic in Middlesbrough, and the C.E.O of The Skin Health Subscription, the membership which transforms your skin from home.

From working in the skin industry for more than two years I realised that there was a massive gap in what we could do with our clients in clinic. Whilst facials can be absolutely life changing, and can help transform your skin and your confidence, the effects of these facials are only maintained if you are doing the right things at home too. 

I noticed this massive flaw particularly with my acne clients who really NEEDED that extra support around what they are doing at home too. There is so much more when it comes to your skin that affects it internally as well as externally, and with facials we really do only touch on the external.

From qualifying in many certificates such as Beauty Nutrition and Superfood...

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